Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fast and Slow

Met up with one of my favourite designers today- Airdrie Makim who does Joolz by Airdrie, very beautiful hand crafted jewelery made from recycled materials. She now has an adorable little shop with two other designers on Georges on Collins called Insert Name Here.

I first worked with Airdrie when I started photography, she had so graciously loaned me her collection to play around with.

Designer Joolz by Airdrie
Makeup Justine Bruers
Model Sara Downs
Photography Me
Lighting Assistant Jeff Paine
Assistant Sammi Jones

Evidently it was one of my biggest shoot with a ton of people and lasted about 6 hours. So ambitious this young thing!

So Airdrie and I got to talking about the industry. Everything is so fast paced and things just happen. It's really truly about who you know and it's about networking and pushing yourself and putting yourself out there, because if you don't no one else would know you existed. I'm pretty much the shy lamb, I feel so uncomfortable in social situations and have been avoiding parties and launches, which I should really go to!
I always hear questions on how to succeed, how to be a working photographer- I have a ton of those questions myself. Networking, perseverance, marketing yourself- I have to keep my head down and keep chugging on like the little engine who could.
But everything in this industry is also about waiting- waiting through prep time, waiting to hear back from people, waiting to be approved, waiting, waiting, waiting. It can be so exhausting- it's a social industry and you end up depending on alot of other people.
C'est la vie.

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